Summer 2024 Agriculture Program for Children

The program will introduce kids to basic farming practices, allowing them to plant and harvest in our large garden and greenhouse. We will learn about what grows in Connecticut and what all of us can do with just a small amount of space, or even containers! Kids will leave with the skills to grow some of their own veggies to share with their families! Kids will also learn about the animals that we have on our farm, including chickens, ducks, turkeys, donkey, pigs, sheep, goats, and cows. We will discuss the care of these animals and the kids will be allowed to participate in their care….and their play! Additionally, each day will allow time for either a nature themed Art class, an Earth and food science class, or nature crafts with specialized teachers.

The program will have two separate sessions:
Session I: Monday July 8-Friday July 12
Session II: Monday July 15-Friday July 19

All morning sessions are open to children from the age of 5-12 years old. Afternoon sessions are open to children ages 8-12 year old.

The morning session will start at 9am and end at 1pm. There is a lunch bunch option (bring your own) from 1-1:30PM.

There is a special offering of an afternoon session for 8-12 year olds. Your child can enroll in this separately or in conjunction with the morning session. This will run from 1:30-3:30. The afternoon sessions will include more hands on farm work, animal husbandry, and crafts. There will be specialized teachers for wool crafts, and many other exciting topics. Please complete the online registration form below. Please note: There is a nonrefundable 20% fee for any canceled camp reservations. Camps are subject to cancellation due to low enrollment. If this is foreseen, notification and refund will be given at least two weeks prior to start of camp.

This event has concluded.